+255714 723 872 / +255784 848 579 info@stmarysduluti.ac.tz

Other Administration

  • School Board
  • School Management Team
  • Parent Teachers Associations
  • Student Government

School Board

The School Board was appointed by the Arusha Regional Commissioner for the period of July 2017 to June 2022, in accordance with the Education Act No. 25 of 1978, Non-Government School Board (Establishment) Order 2002.The Board serves as a governing/policy approving body in the school and guide the School Management Team (SMT).

It is made up as follows:

  1. Bro.Stanislaus Shija - Chairperson
  2. Bro.Essau Mlengule - Secretary
  3. Angelius Ngonyani - Member
  4. Faye Cran - Member
  5. Bro.Fidelis B. Kisakeni - Member
  6. Freda Benedict - Member
  7. John Kihaumbi - Member
  8. Kelvin Komba - Member
  9. Afisa Elimu Mkoa - Member
  10. Moris Mkoka - Member
  11. Seraphine Mercy - Member

School Management Team (SMT)

The school shall constitute a management team that would execute the decision taken by SMB and ensure smooth functioning of the school. The SMT is the main executive body and therefore, it shall be widely represented, take collective decision and promote team work. The School Head Master shall be the chairperson of SMT and it shall report the progress of the school to SMB. The team shall also propose rectification of the policy to SMB

The following are members of SMT :

  1. Bro.Essau Mlengule - Chairperson
  2. Elifrida Uriyo - Secretary
  3. Bro.Protas J. Mangu - Member
  4. Mr. Zealot Urio - Member
  5. Mr. Pius Masawe - Member
  6. Mr. Joseph Dasare - Member
  7. Anna Mfinanga - Member

Parent Teachers Associations

The formation of the Parents Teacher Association (PTA) has been in accordance with the Education Act No. 25 of 1978 with its amendment No. 10 of 1995 section 7 of the Non-Government School Board (Establishment) Order 2002 and in the light of the canon law (Section 769 (2)).

It is made up as follows:

  1. Dr.Riziki Mbauzi - Chairperson
  2. Mr.Emmanuel Mayenga - Vice Chairperson
  3. Mr. Mlungu Ramadhani - Secretary
  4. Miss Rosemary Shayo - Treasurer

Student Government

The Student Government plays an instrumental role in the school community since, in addition to hosting assemblies and social events, it contributes to discussions with the administration on policy, school projects, and issues relevant to the student body as a whole.

  1. Abel Mchomvu Abel - President
  2. January Paul Geje - Vice President
  3. Brian Lelo Surumbu - Prime Minister